
Mobile Mark has been active player in the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Our fixed site antennas have been used for V2X infrastructure development, either as a stand alone antenna or directly attached to a Roadside Unit (RSU).

Our V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) Antennas cover the 5.9 GHz band and can be used for communications on either DSRC, C-V2X or C-ITS.  These antenna come in a variety of designs, including directional, bi-directional and omni-directional antennas.

The antenna options can also be divided according to gain. Higher gain antennas will through the signal further, but the beamwidth is narrower so it is important to understand the goals of the network design and select an antenna that offers the corresponding radiation pattern.  We can help you with that if you have questions.

Some of our infrastructure antennas will be installed by themselves, others will be incorporated directly into a Roadside Unit (RSU).

We invite you to review the product options listed in this section.  If you are looking for something unique, please ask us about our custom design capabilities.

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